My friend/ co-worker Stewart can attest to that.

The place is owned by a family that lives on the 2 floors above the shop. The youngest son takes care of everything - cooking, cleaning, serving. I don't have a picture of him because he moves too fast. I've never seen anything like it in Thailand. He's always barefoot and flying around the shop. As soon as you lift your glass to drink, he's there to wipe the condensation off the table with one hand and refill your glass with the other. I want to give him a job at my factory.
His mother on the other hand always looks like she just woke up. A nice old lady, who just yesterday told me that at 35 it's time for me to have kids. I should have one boy and one girl - that's the best. Besides taking an occasional order that's the first time she's ever spoken to me.
When she sleeps, her arm always hangs over the side of the sofa. I have no idea why.
I should add that the rear of the noodle shop is also their living room.
Every evening around 8pm the "Rod Di" man and his daughter come along. "Rod Di" is an Indian desert - basically, a bread pancake with lots of sugar and lots of sweetened condensed milk, then it's fried in pure butter the color of velveeta cheese.

Here's a picture of his mobile restaurant - a motorcycle with a sidecar/ kitchen.