In certain respects, I suppose it's a record for the scorpion, too.

She broke the record while sitting in a glass box at a Bangkok department store.

If this isn't weird enough, she's married to Thailand's Centipede King (below sans centipedes).
She had it sent to my factory. Needless to say all the office girls were overcome with envy.
Two - a third of all scenes begin with someone asking where someone else is. "Where's Jack?", "Have you seen Locke?", "Where did Kate go?" Answers vary between "I don't know", "I thought s/he was with you", and "at the beach/ hatch".
Three - the fact that no one has killed Sawyer in his sleep is tempting to dispell my suspension of disbelief.
Four - an episode is not complete without at least one scene depicting an argument/ debate to determine who goes and who stays.
Finally - after almost 2 full seasons, I've realized you only need to watch the last 2 minutes of the previous episode and the first five minutes of the next episode. Basically, to get the cliffhanger and then, the resolution. The 'previously on Lost' intro helps, too, but everything else in between, although scenic, is just filler.
Only 3 and a half seasons to go.
I can laugh about it now, but the 120 workers who sided with the Union were locked out and eventually lost their jobs, and most had to move away, as they were not able to find new jobs in Korat.
To this day, the labor organizer is still lurking around Korat and other industrial zones throughout Thailand, looking for union fees, donations from sympathetic international labor organizations, and a marketable voting block. Fortunately, this year, for the sake of all involved, he felt our staff didn't deserve his help.
Back when the sunset wasn't darkened by industrial smog, when a trip to the market meant floating down river, and you could eat the fish in the stream.
Then again, back in the good 'ol days Thailand had rampant epidemics, invading armies from Cambodia, lots of ghosts, floods, and tyrannical leaders...
It also had some nice temples.
Perhaps, it's only the days that have changed.
The auspicious smile hung in the sky for about half an hour, while the monks chanted their funeral prayers. By the time they were finished, Venus and Jupiter and drifted away, and the crescent moon had sunk below the horizon. It's the first lunar constellation I've ever seen or even heard of, and its presence certainly made an impression on the funeral guests. The significance of it all - no one can say for sure - perhaps, it was just another last goodbye.