Nuch ran into arguably Thailand's biggest rock star the other day on one of her flights. (Okay, it was almost 4 months ago and I'm behind on my blogs - Happy, belated, New Year)

It was from this guy, Sek LoSo. Sek is his nickname and Loso come from the band he started about 17 years ago. LoSo is play on the Thai word - HiSo, which means High Society. Sek and his band mates were from rural Thailand and were, therefore, the representatives of Low Society, or LoSo.
Actually, I had ran into Sek years ago - also at the airport. That time, he signed my ticket stub, but it's now lost. So, glad to get my memorabilia back from this Thai-Rock icon.

While I'm on the topic... years ago, I ran into Lek Carabao at a market in Chiang Mai. This guy is a legend, and I was truly star struck, compared to meeting Sek Loso, which was simply cool.

If you're curious about his handlebar mustache, it represents the bands symbol - the skull and horns of a water buffalo. Carabao means water buffalo in Tagalog.