Last week, the staff from our Chinese supplier took me out to a "special" restaurant. Apparently, I would be the first customer that they have ever taken there.
And, I'm most likely the last.
We started the meal off with snails. The snail animal had been taken out ground up along with some herbs and then, stuffed back into the shell and finally boiled in a thick broth.
The fish appeared to be standard fair, but it was cook such that the meat and bones could only be separated as you chewed. The Chinese are experts at this, I almost choked to death.
Next came my selection - duck. I was expecting something like a Peking Duck. No such luck. This duck arrived caramelized and with most if not all of the meat missing. Granted, it had a nice flavor, but all that was left was cartilage and skin - and a head.
The next dish looked like a traditional chicken curry. No such luck - Frog curry.
All complimented with a Budweiser beer.
Fortunately, this puppy was the one animal that was not on the menu.