Friday, June 3, 2016

The Point

Back in elementary school, I remember "quiet time" in the classroom or during lunch when teachers instructed us to raise our hand and point the other at any kid that was talking or making noise.  I suppose the idea was to shame the guilty party into being quiet and not committing the crime again - along with creating a generation of tattletales and snitches.

Thais have embraced this concept, which accompanies any crime story on tv or in the newspaper.  To document and share the phenomenon, some guy has put together a mildly entertaining website called - Thais Pointing at Things  

Here are some examples...

In case you can't figure it out, the guy that stole the laundry on the table is at the pointy end of a half dozen fingers

I suppose there is something cathartic about publicly shaming someone who has wronged you

These guys stole dog food - that's double shame

This guy appears to be saying - "the panties made me do it!!!"

The art of pointing has now spread to other news segments - weather, natural disasters, accidents, and elephants in your front yard

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