Thursday, July 19, 2018

Corn Cheese Overload

Thailand's relationship with corn has always been suspect.  Sure, they eat corn on the cob, but you're just as likely to see corn sprinkled atop a bowl of ice cream - along with red beans.  Recently, I saw a new corn travesty - Corn Cheese Sauce by KFC, which is used to pour over your Kentucky fried chicken - Colonel Sanders just did a horizontal 180

It should be noted that there is neither corn nor cheese in the ingredients.  I also take issue with KFC's Thai spelling of  BBQ, which would be pronounced Bee Bee Cue.  C'mon KFC, only a communist would pronounce it that way

I assumed Corn Cheese was a mad experiment isolated to KFC, but now, I'm seeing it everywhere

Although this new corn cheese flavor is not very good and does not contain any corn or cheese, it really does tastes like corn and cheese!!

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