Friday, September 11, 2020

Pew Pew The 3 Legged Dog

A few months ago my neighbor's dog got through the front gate and was promptly hit by a car.  His back was broken and he could no longer use his hind legs.  Because we're in a Buddhist country, they didn't want to put it to sleep.  Instead, they kept it in the front yard where it just kinda laid on the grass, ate and crapped.  

Then, a few days ago I heard this scraping outside and an old familiar yapping.  Pew Pew was up and running again.  I'm not sure whose idea it was, but they put his legs into a water bottle and then, tied the bottle to his body.  Now, Pew Pew plays fetch and chases the neighborhood cats while dragging his backside around like nothing has happened.

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