Here is a video of the 'Luk Toong' performers. Someone said they were a group put together by a music teacher from a local high school. The dancers are supposedly her students - all over 18, I'm told.
You may notice the singer and sometimes the dancers reaching into the crowd from time to time. In an attempt to get a phone number or just a little closer, the audience, especially the excited young men, try to give tips. This group of performers made a small fortune that night.
The style of dance by the performers is a fairly standard cabaret/ burlesque. The style of dance by the audience is another story. I guess most people tend to plant their feet in the ground and rock back and forth while shaking their arms. However, there is another style that deserves recognition. I don't know the name of it, but will call it the 'epileptic chicken'. Watch the guy in the foreground. I'm convinced there is true genius behind his movements. There are also other dance moves that resemble plowing a field and harvesting rice - while on amphetamines.
What I showed you earlier was the professional dance team from Miss Nang's Dance Group. We also had entertainment from regular Trim Staffers. This is a team of engineers and production control officers who put on a traditional, though very energetic, northeastern-style performance. I pan back and forth, but try to pay attention to the guy on the far left in the white shirt. His little jump at the end made "Luk Toong" history and should be patented. I think he may have had a shot of "Vigorous Horse" from Santa's Workshop before going on stage.
Every year, one team of Trim performers seems to take the show to the next level - the next level up or next level down, I'm not so sure. But this team of girls from the leather cutting department chose to display their pole-dancing skills during a 'Coyote Dance' performance. Coyote Dance is a popular trend at night clubs and discos. Taken from the movie "Coyote Ugly", Coyote Dance is a style where cute girls (known as Coyote Girls) wearing short skirts and halter tops will dance suggestively on the top of the bar. Recently, coyote girls have achieved a certain level of notoriety in Thailand and have become almost a kind of celebrity - the US equivalent to being a back-up dancer in a Jay-Z video.
But that's not why I chose to show this video. As a prerequisite for all successful Trim Factory New Year Parties, at some time during the show a drunk guy must get on the stage and make an ass of himself. This year was no different.
I had budgeted around 100 USD for the meal, but was a bit concerned because once everything was ordered, it looked like a lot of food - not to mention some extra people showed up who weren't necessarily invited, as typically happens in Thailand. I liked these guys but spending more than my already 'generous' budget was making my food hard to swallow.
But as it turned out, the bill was 1,000 Baht or a little over 30 USD. Now, I feel a little guilty for looking so cheap.
Here they are (one table wasn't big enough)
As you can see, Nuch gets to travel a lot and has a magnet from almost every place she's ever visited - mostly Thai Air destinations. While creating this blog, I just noticed one from her ex boyfriend's hometown (not a Thai Air destination). We'll have to talk about that.
Look a little closer, and you can see some bills and a note that lists 'Joe's Snacks'. Nuch was out of town a while back and bought some breakfast snacks for me - Chicken Curry Puff, Ham Croissant, and 2 boxes of Milk. For some reason she felt it necessary to take stock and post it on the fridge.
On the front of the fridge you can see magnets that are handed out as promotions/ souvenirs when you go to the movies. You may notice that the most recent movie we've seen is Pirates of the Caribbean part II. We saw that one afternoon last July, and later that evening, after talking to her father, I proposed. I think we've only seen one movie since then. Is that normal for married life???
Also, on the front are Nuch and her brother's phone numbers, as well as directions to their house written out in Thai. That seems a bit strange, since you're already in the house, why would you need directions?
In addition, there's a bit of paper with Nuch and her brother's full names written in Thai. To explain that first you have to know that most Thais go by their nickname. Nuch's real name is Natthakrita, and her nickname, 'Nuch', means little sister. Also, in Thailand it's quite common for people to change their names. A little known fact is that Nuch's name was Chavarnuch, when we first met. Nuch and her brother got their names changed at the same time, so I'm assuming they put a note on the fridge to remind their mom and dad that if someone called asking for a Natthakrita or Patterapol, their parents would know that whoever was calling was looking for their son or daughter.
So, you see, you can learn a lot about a person from what's on their fridge. What you can learn from what's inside the fridge is a whole other story.
Then, about 2 years ago, an alien plant was introduced to the pond by an entrepreneurial fisherman. The plant was supposed to provide additional food and nutrients for the fish and help them multiply. Instead, the plant multiplied, covering the entire pond in less than 2 weeks. I remember standing along the edge of the pond and marveling at the speed at which this plant had reproduced.
But soon after it had filled the pond, we started to notice a smell.
This plant, which was supposed to feed the fish had, in turn, covered the entire surface of the pond and was preventing the fish from getting oxygen to the point where they were slowly dying underneath.
We had a team of guys in the pond, collecting dead fish and trying to scoop out the tons of foliage. It didn't work. The plants were growing back faster than they could get them out, and eventually, all the fish died.
Here's a pic of the failed rescue attempt.
We lived with the plants until the cold season (winter) when they finally disappeared, but since then, there have been no more fish.
A couple months ago, I noticed a thin green film beginning to cover the pond, but it wasn't nearly as threatening as the alien plant. I could still see the water, and I even hoped that one day we would have free fish available again.
A worker standing next to me said this was serious, and we needed to do something about it immediately.
I asked if it was poisonous or hazardous to the health of our staff.
No, no it's fine, he told me. However, he did voice his concern that a drunk guy passing by may mistake it for grass, fall in and drown - Safety First.
Just a little introduction, as I imagine the Marriott will pop up on occasion in future blogs.
I imagine most people would dread the idea of having to drive 6 hours (round trip) on a weekly basis. It took me a while, but I'm used to it and almost enjoy it. The roads are wide (6 lanes) and the traffic is usually light, so it's an easy drive and it gives me time to reflect on the week that has passed and look forward to the days ahead.
By the way, Korat is actually just a nickname. The full name for Korat is Nakhon Ratchasima.
My factory operates 6 days a week, and I'll usually stop by on Saturday morning to make sure everything is in order before I drive to Bangkok. Friday must have been pay day because on this particular morning the Burmese lottery vendors were there. One thing I never understood about lottery sales is that they're usually sold by the most destitute and unlucky people in Thailand - refugees, cripples, the blind...
The lottery tickets are pre-printed, so people usually only pay attention to the last 2 digits when selecting a lucky number - double '0'.
The most important thing about playing the lottery is don't tell anybody if you win. Otherwise, everyone will ask to borrow your money, and you'll be expected to take everyone out for lunch or karaoke and basically, use up all your winnings. Refuse and risk being exiled.
Nuch was visiting me in Korat this weekend and while I was checking in at the factory, she went to fill my car up with gas. She also filled the tires with air, but whatever they did.... I had two flat tires before we could get out of Korat. Fortunately, there was a Goodyear shop nearby. This guy had us in and out of there in 15 minutes - Indy 500 pit stop style. There seems to be some random activities that Thais tend do extremely well - like make things out of old coca cola cans.Not the most exciting blog entry. I'll come back later to juice it up a bit. I'll try to find some pictures of overturned buses or semis where drivers had fallen asleep during the night. I see at least one a month.
I'll save you from any pictures of the hundreds of dogs strewn along the side of the road. It's not often in the history of life on earth where you can watch Darwin's theory of natural selection play itself out right in front of you. As the weakest links continue to weed themselves out, I assume that before too long Thai dogs will be able to walk and talk and perhaps drive cars themselves.
On this particular day there was a convoy of hundreds, maybe thousands of Honda Dream motorcycle/ scooter enthusiasts. I've seen this a couple times, but before they were Vespa owners. Must be some new trend for thrill seekers and suicidal maniacs - motorcycles are just a step above dogs in the evolutionary chain when it comes to Darwin's Theory and Thai highways.
We only purchase finished hides and then, do the cut and sew to turn them into leather sofa covers. However, we do get involved with the leather tanneries when it comes to developing new products or addressing certain quality issues, and I often must visit these tanneries both in Thailand and around the world.
Here I am at a tannery in Thailand.
There are several stages in the tanning process which I will attempt to describe below:
Faces of Death Stage (No Picture)
This is the slaughterhouse stage. Fortunately, I have not seen this stage myself, but some of our customers are asking whether or not the cows killed for our hides are slaughtered in a humane manner. Ask the cows, but don't ask me to take a look at it myself.
Vegetarian Stage
At this stage, raw cow skins come into the tannery that have been purchased from a local slaughterhouse. The hides still have hair and globules of fat hanging off the underside. This is as close as I wanted to get.
In this picture, the guy is cutting off the excessive fat and throwing it into a bin. At this point, you agree never to eat meet again - especially, sausage at the restaurant next door.
The 12 Fingers Stage
At this stage, a toxic recipe of chemicals are added that remove the hair and fat (of the cow hides). These chemicals, also, preserve the hides so they maintain their flexibility, strength, and softness, but don't rot.
These guys aren't wearing shirts or shoes.
This mix of chemicals, in particular the Chrome, have become a growing concern among environmentally-friendly retailers, and a new "Chrome-Free" process has been developed that uses different chemicals. The true benefit of these 'new chemicals' is that we don't yet know what the adverse affects truly are, so what you don't know can't hurt you.
Oddly enough, the mix of these chemicals turns the hides a baby blue color. At this point, they are no longer referred to as hides, but affectionately called "wet blues"
Nothing is wasted. The hair is taken to make brushes, the fat is used to make dog food (I think), and the shavings of the wet blue are used to make more leather. Some less-scrupulous leather suppliers take these shavings, mix it will glue and rubber, and sell it as a leather.
In this picture the Wet Blue is being dried and stretched. More stretch = more leather you can sell.
In this picture, the worker is applying stucco to cover any holes, deep scars, or bug bites.
After being soaked in chemicals, shaved, stretched, patched, painted, printed, and sealed, you get something like this.
Or this... (the hole comes from the cow's hump)
Which eventually, becomes this.