Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Shutdown Bangkok

Here are pics from recent visits to the protest.  Nuch and I don't hang out there, but we need to cross the barricades to get where we're going, which is usually a happy hour or spa - and of course, Nuch needs a selfie to update her Facebook.  It's really more of a street party with vendors, music, local foods, and non-stop speeches berating the current government.

This sign reads "Can you hear the people sing?"  - Les Miserables, but instead of the underprivileged trying to overthrow the wealthy aristocracy, the wealthy aristocracy is trying to overthrow the populist government.

In the daytime, the crowds are fairly sparse.

But things heat up in the evening.

This was taken two Mondays ago at the same spot as above

Food is provided to the protesters, but trash cans are not.

Some of the more flamboyant protesters.

Let's just say there's no effort to win over the hearts and minds of the poor farmers who generally support the current government.

This overpass in the middle of Bangkok was shutdown with a tarp.  I assume the government is just trying to avoid violence while waiting for the protesters to burn out

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