Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fail In Thailand

For the last hour I've been waiting for a report.  Instead of doing anything productive I've been scanning a website called the Thai Fail Blog.  Here are a few choice contributions.

Taken at the Phuket Zoo

Cash or Credit

These guys didn't want to miss their chance to give alms to the monks, so they had an all-nighter

Thai ingenuity

This sign reads - Don't Pee Here.  The Spirit of the Land (Jao Tee) is Powerful!!!

This sign reads - Don't Catch the Fish of Any Kind

Don't judge a book by it's cover.

What a deal?

More Thai ingenuity

In making his cart, this vendor used an old sign that says "Chocolate Flavored".  I wonder how well his grilled chicken sells?

Safety First

When Google Translation goes bad.

Speed Reading

This restaurant has a guarantee that their food is the best in the world - and if it is not, you can punch the owner.

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