Saturday, February 9, 2008

Stuff in Trucks

This Index Card is something I stole from another blog called Thai Pulse. It pretty much sums up what you see on the roads in Northeast Thailand or Isaan.

The reason people buy so many trucks in Isaan is for their obvious utility - you just can't put a water buffalo in the back of your Toyota Camry. Last week on the way to Bangkok, I decided to pass the time by taking pictures of things people had in the back of their trucks. By the way, I almost got a picture of a herd of buffalo in the back of a 10-wheeled truck, but nearly drove off the road in the process. Maybe next time.

Below are just some examples captured during a 3 hour drive.

Two plastic chickens

2 tons in a 1 ton truck.

Rear view

Children and a propane gas tank. It had just started raining.

Basketball hoop





Finally, in an earlier blog I talked about the graffiti art painted on the side of factory buses. At my factory we have the Spidey Bus, but other factories have much more elaborate designs. I'm not sure where they get their inspiration, but they make the drive to Bangkok much more scenic.

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