Thursday, May 1, 2008

High Protein Diet

In Thailand they say that people in Isaan (Northeast Thailand) can eat anything with wings - ducks, chickens, turkeys, even flying insects. However, they can't eat an airplane...

..but only because it's too expensive.

Although they do not have wings, red ant eggs are still expensive (50 USD/ kg), yet much more affordable than an airplane. So, last week while my boss was in town, my secretary decided to order ant eggs for lunch as special treat - they're a delicacy here in Korat.

Here's a "before" picture of our meal. The eggs are the white things on top of the green vegetables. I warned my boss before he ate any for fear that he may think they were crushed garlic or another normal, white seasoning. Needless to say, he was grateful.

This is the "after" picture of our meal. You may notice it looks the same.

So my secretary wouldn't feel bad and because they're supposedly very nutritious, we both decided to have at least one bite - Imagine grains of rice from a rice cake that have been left to soak in lemon juice over night.

As nutritious as red ant eggs are, one bite was enough for both of us, and thus deserve their place on any High Protein Diet menu. Just looking at the picture makes me not want to eat.

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