Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Gift of Gab

While in the Peace Corps, I remember showing up at school, stepping into the front office, and being overwhelmed by the busy conversation of the ladies at work - way too much verbal energy so early in the day.

I didn't understand what they were saying, but the tone was always light, and anything said was usually followed with wees, woos, jings reus, or o-ohs (meaningless Thai sounds representing various degrees of surprise, shock, disbelief, etc...). I remember these sounds dominating the conversation rather than the words, turning the discussion into more of a song, backed up by a chorus of giggles.

Since then, I've always enjoyed listening to Thai women banter - perhaps it's because when they really get going, I get lost and instead of listening to people speaking Thai, their sublime chatter becomes a white noise, humming like the sound of ocean waves or a waterfall.

It's a strange fascination, but there's something soothing about it - an emotional roller coaster that doesn't involve you and will ultimately end happily, all played out like an impromptu orchestra of birds, filled with laughs, rapid dramatic pauses, sympathetic sighs, intimate revelations, and an unrelenting desire to be agreeable.

Last week, Nuch took a call from her friend Toon (short for Cartoon) while we were having brunch at the Marriott. Here's one side of the verbal symphony between two best friends.

I'm happy to say everything turned out okay.

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