Monday, November 22, 2010

Classic Bangkok Post Typo

You wouldn't know it from my grammar and spelling, but my BA was in English Literature.  This is why I've always been able to overlook the regular errors in the Bangkok Post, one of Thailand's English-language newspapers.  As they say in Thailand - be careful when you point your finger because there are three fingers pointing back at you.  

But after reading the caption of today's headline, the Bangkok Post deserves to be called out.

Here's a close up of the top story - Parliament Locked Down.  Read the caption carefully.

You'll read that tomorrow the Thai parliament will meet to discuss changes to the constitution and  security forces are preparing for protests by the Yellow Shirts, or PAD.  Now, PAD is an acronym for People's Alliance for Democracy.  However, it appears that a red-shirted mole has infiltrated the Bangkok Post's editorial staff and changed it to "People's Alliance against Democracy".

If you've followed politics in Thailand the last couple years, you'll understand how this little slip up runs deep with irony.

- The PAD was a big supporter of the 2006 coup
- The Bangkok Post was the unofficial voice of the PAD
- The PAD was the unofficial voice of the Democrat Party
- After the People's Power Party won the post coup election, the PAD took over Government House and the Airport to force them out
- The PAD supported a judicial coup that banned the People's Power Party and allowed the Democrat Party to gain control of Parliament.
- Two years on, the PAD is now protesting against the Democrat Party for the same reasons it protested against the People's Power Party - national sovereignty, changes to the constitution, and I believe corruption will soon be on their agenda
- The Bangkok Post makes this typo, and it seems that Thailand has come full circle, but has somehow found itself upside down and backwards.  As they say in Thailand - "Same, Same, but Different"


Lalida said...

You've got good eyes..55555

Anonymous said...

I would say the Post staffer who wrote the caption was either a mole paid by Chatuporn or a guy who secretly hates the PAD.

Never mind, the Post and the Nation are in fact fiercely competing to show who can serve the ammat better.