Friday, November 26, 2010

Turkey Day In Thailand

For the 2nd year in a row, Nuch and I joined John's Thanksgiving dinner.  Instead of going out, John decided to roast turkey on his grill. 

Here are some pictures.

The chef John with his masterpiece.  For being cooked on a grill, the turkey was incredibly moist.  Our compliments to the chef.

Nuch and Cindy.

Marc and his wife, Mon

Stewart and Scott eyeing the Dr Seuss-green mashed sweet potatoes

Scott had called dibs on one of the legs.   I was a little slow and must wait until Thanksgiving 2013 to get mine.

John's girlfriend, Jas, got the other leg.

Here's Nuch contemplating what to eat next.

Busy digesting among other things

And to remind us to be thankful - while going up to the Sky Train we came across a legless beggar crawling along the streets of Bangkok.

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