Sunday, April 24, 2011

Mother Nature's Etch A Sketch

Last weekend, I was sitting at home watching TV and I noticed my chair was shaking.  It stopped for a moment, then started again.  Nuch's mother had seen a fortune teller on TV who was predicting the end of the world would soon be upon us with the Japan Earthquake being step one, and Thailand doomed to follow the same fate.  I thought for a moment she could be right this time. 

Fortunately, for the Thailand and the world, they're building a new home project nearby (just over the neighborhood wall) and the earthmovers were the ones doing the shaking.

Anyway, this reminded me to post a website I saw a couple weeks ago that truly captures the power of mother nature.  On the website, click on the slider device in the middle of the photo.  When you move it back and forth you can see the satellite pictures of Japan before and after the recent Tsunami

Japan Disaster Click Here

Here are some other pictures.

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