Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Other Side Of Bangkok - Bike Tour

A former colleague of mine started a bike tour company, so we went on their A Taste of Bangkok Tour, which took us to several quick stops to get a "taste" of Bangkok.

Our first stop was Wat Arun

These are not in order - here's another temple.  Can't remember the name

It had a bell, which you rung for good luck.  Nathan will likely get into Harvard

At one point, we stopped at a small restaurant to try some world famous (in Thailand) pork Sa-Tay


We also stopped at a Chinese temple to feed some turtles (for good luck)

Crossing the river with our bikes

We finally found some fish to feed

Here's a very crowded China town.  There was a fire here as well, which didn't help my claustrophobia.

One of the last stops was the Fresh Flower Market

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