Wednesday, June 29, 2011

If You Build It, They Will Come

After 2 years, I thought it was time for a change of scenery when I visit China.  Instead of the pseudo-5 star hotel, The Royal Palace, I recently moved to the Bai He Tian Di or the Lilly Spring Hotel. 

As you'll see in the pictures below, it's much more open, airy and resorty.  The rooms are as nice as the Royal Palace and the price is about the same - so far, I'm happy with it.

There's just one problem (aside from the food being crap, which is a Chinese standard) - it's like a ghost town.  When you do run into a guest or the odd maid roaming the halls, it gives you a bit of a shock, as if you've just crossed paths with a wayward spirit. 

Imagine the Shining, but filmed at a Cancun resort instead of a hibernating mountain lodge.

These pictures were taken from the hotel website, but this is actually what it looks on a regular day.  Beautiful verandas, courtyards, pools, and shops - but nary a soul in sight.

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