Sunday, May 3, 2009

Final Resting Place

This morning, we took the smaller of the two urns to Wat Mali, the family temple around the corner from Nuch's home. This urn, although smaller, is decorated and something that a tourist may buy by mistake thinking it's an oriental candy jar. The larger urn is a nondescript earthen pot.

The ceremony to place the urn inside the its final resting place began with some prayers and chants by four monks.

Here is the head monk handing the urn to Nuch and her mother. He is also the guy who married Nuch and I.

The would be placed inside the base of this Buddha statue. Normally, urns are placed in the walls of the temple or in miniature Chedis, but because Nuch's father's family is close to the monks here, they are allowed this special location.

On the base of the statue there's one piece of granite that can be removed so you can access the inside. Here is Nuch and her mother preparing the urn to be put inside.

One last prayer.

and then the monks said good bye.

To complete the ceremony this gold statue was placed on top of the granite cover to protect all who enter.

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