Friday, November 30, 2007

Breakfast of Champions

If I've learned anything from being married, it's that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. More than eating vegetables, remembering to take my medicine, or driving home safely, my mother-in-law, who treats me like a second son, takes every opportunity to remind me of the importance of the first meal of the day.

Below is a picture of a pot of "Cow Tom"

When in Korat, where the aches and pains of a developing country surround you and daily existence is considerably more spartan compared to the luxuries of Bangkok, this is my morning meal.

Prepared by the cooks at the factory, it's basically boiled rice with some seasonings and 2 fish heads. At 5 baht a bowl (about 15 cents) you can't complain. Add some garlic, onions, and salty fish sauce and I'm ready to face the day. Most importantly, I relieve myself of any guilt for missing the day's most important meal.

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