Saturday, March 8, 2008

'A' is for Evil

Nuch came home with this book the other day on how to eat properly, according to your blood type.

The basic concept is that the four blood types originated from our ancestors at different stages of evolution and each utilizes the proteins of particular foods in different ways. Group O was the first blood type and originated while man was mostly hunter gatherers. Therefore, Group O people tend to derive the most benefit from meats, nuts and berries. Blood Type A originated after man learned to cultivate crops, so plants and vegetables are most beneficial to them. Groups B and AB have their own characteristics - mostly a mixture of Groups O and A.

The book, then, goes on to say that it's critical to be aware of what you eat, depending on our blood type, as some foods can act as medicines, while others can be as detrimental as poisons.

True or not, who knows? It's an interesting idea, but it would seem that there are far too many other variables to have a simple 'blood type - food type' correlation, but it's intriguing nonetheless.

Around the same time, Nuch also brought home a book in Thai based on the same idea. I was skimming through it (more to practice my Thai than to get more info), when I came across a section on a 'blood type - personality type' correlation, which suggests that personality, behaviour, or character is affected or influenced, and even pre-determined by your blood type.

For me, this was taking it a bit too far and in the process de-legitimizing (if it was ever legitimate) the initial 'blood type - food type' theory.

It went on to describe Group O as aggressive hunter gatherer-types and Group A as passive, farmer-types. Group B tends to be more adventurous, while people with Group AB are more spiritual. The book, then, provided a list of famous people in each group that tend to personify the characteristics/ personalities of people in that particular blood group.

I'm blood type A, so perhaps I'm just biased or overly-sensitive, but doesn't it seem like the people representing Group A (save Alan Alda, the dog-stuffer) possess an unfair and disproportionate level of Evil compared to the other groups?

You be the judge.

Group O

Queen Elizabeth II
Ronald Reagan
John Lennon
Elvis Presley
Paul Newman
Mikhail Gorbachev

Group B

Jackie Chan
Jack Nicholson
Paul McCartney
Tom Selleck
Leonardo DiCaprio

Group AB

John F. Kennedy
Marilyn Monroe
Thomas Edison
Bob Sapp (ex-NFL player that's famous in Japan)

And finally, the infamous Group A

Adolph Hitler
George W. Bush
O.J. Simpson
Britney Spears
Richard Nixon
Alan Alda

and Me

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