Thursday, January 22, 2009

Foreign Correspondent's Club

During our stay in Cambodia we stayed at the Foreign Correspondent's Clubs in both Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.

They're very classy and have that colonial, 'Indochine' feel. In the restaurants and bars, it's easy to imagine 'embedded' journalists coming back for a Gin & Tonic to share the latest scoop.

Here we are having breakfast on the veranda at the FCC Siem Reap.

Out of the lap of luxury and into a beat up old truck. This was our transportation from the FCC to the river boat that would take us to Phnom Penh. We had 10 people in the back and 5 in the cab - luggage included.
Back to luxury. This is our balcony where we took breakfast at FCC Phnom Penh. It would have been a great view of the river and the action along the street if not for the annoying wires.

In case anyone is curious who most expats supported for President (for no other reason than being tired of making excuses for Bush's butchering of the English language) at the FCC Phnom Penh they were having an Obama inauguration party.

Here we are enjoying dinner at the FCC in Phnom Penh. I won't bore you with pictures of the leather seats, but once again, all very nice.

Wasn't sure where to put these pictures taken during a walk around Phnom Penh on our fist day there.

This is inside the Cambodia National Museum. Most of the exhibits seemed to be items that were taken from Angkor Wat where we had just spent two days. The inner gardens were impressive, though.

Barber Street. We came across a row of about 10 barbers giving haircuts along the sidewalk.

Finally, some market pictures.

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