Friday, December 28, 2007

Refrigerator Profiling

So, back from a short Christmas break and time to start blogging again. I was going to wait until our big factory new year party, but I came across Nuch's fridge, and felt it was blog-worthy.

I don't often go into Nuch's kitchen. Not because I don't want to cook, but because Nuch's mother doesn't want me in there. It's her little world. But the other day, I needed some water and ventured in.

As I haven't spent much time in the kitchen, I had never really taken notice of the refrigerator. I think it's safe to say that you can pretty much learn everything you want to know about a family or person (and perhaps, more than you want to know) by looking at their refrigerator, and Nuch's fridge is no exception.

The first thing you notice on Nuch's fridge is all her magnets. Two great things about my wife are that she doesn't buy a lot of shoes, and the only thing she collects are magnets. So, if you're ever at a loss as to what to get her for a gift or souvenir, magnets always do just fine.

As you can see, Nuch gets to travel a lot and has a magnet from almost every place she's ever visited - mostly Thai Air destinations. While creating this blog, I just noticed one from her ex boyfriend's hometown (not a Thai Air destination). We'll have to talk about that.

Look a little closer, and you can see some bills and a note that lists 'Joe's Snacks'. Nuch was out of town a while back and bought some breakfast snacks for me - Chicken Curry Puff, Ham Croissant, and 2 boxes of Milk. For some reason she felt it necessary to take stock and post it on the fridge.

On the front of the fridge you can see magnets that are handed out as promotions/ souvenirs when you go to the movies. You may notice that the most recent movie we've seen is Pirates of the Caribbean part II. We saw that one afternoon last July, and later that evening, after talking to her father, I proposed. I think we've only seen one movie since then. Is that normal for married life???

Also, on the front are Nuch and her brother's phone numbers, as well as directions to their house written out in Thai. That seems a bit strange, since you're already in the house, why would you need directions?

In addition, there's a bit of paper with Nuch and her brother's full names written in Thai. To explain that first you have to know that most Thais go by their nickname. Nuch's real name is Natthakrita, and her nickname, 'Nuch', means little sister. Also, in Thailand it's quite common for people to change their names. A little known fact is that Nuch's name was Chavarnuch, when we first met. Nuch and her brother got their names changed at the same time, so I'm assuming they put a note on the fridge to remind their mom and dad that if someone called asking for a Natthakrita or Patterapol, their parents would know that whoever was calling was looking for their son or daughter.

So, you see, you can learn a lot about a person from what's on their fridge. What you can learn from what's inside the fridge is a whole other story.

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